Friday, October 8, 2010

I Am A Cyborg

Considering all the definitions I have seen based on Cyborg I think this one is the most accurate one; A Cyborg is a human being whose body has been taken over in whole or in part by electromechanical devices; "a cyborg is a cybernetic organism". In our new modern world we are all cyborgs from the time we wake up through the time we go to sleep, we all use some sort of technology to make our live easier to function.  I consider myself a cyborg because I’m addicted to technology, using everyday appliances, watching TV with all the introductions to new electronics and devices,as well as thinking and socializing on the web.

      We all use everyday electronics from coffee makers to escalators


Doctor X said...

Not bad, but short!

We need detail, detail, detail...what kinds of technology do YOU actually use everyday that makes you a cyborg?

Doctor X said...

Blog Series Evaluation 2:

Most of your entries were very good. Blog 7 could use some more specific examples...