Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Summary of The Meatrix

In the Short film "what is the Meatrix", they explain how family farms are disappearing rapidly because of  factory farming and how horrific the environment of factory farming really is. Family farms were created to maximize profits by agriculture corporations but what they didn't realize is that it can cause great danger to humans and animals. Animals in the farm are packed closely together, and live in horrific and dangerous environments. The conditions these animals live in can cause them to fight and spread deceases within one another. The corporation determined that they would fix the problem with animal mutilation. Because of poor conditions in these farms the deceases these animals contract can get passed to humans. I never realized that the story we tell ourselves about where meat comes from is not much of what really is happening because of Animal cruelty, antibiotic resistant germs, massive pollution, and destroyed communities.

In the short film "the Meatrix: Revolting" they are explaining that the illusion that we have of the dairy farms is nothing like it is now also known as dairy factories not farms. Cows are placed in confined spaces that only allow them to be moved to a milking stations and they also live in fesses infested areas. RGBH is an artificial hormone that provides growth that is being injected into the cows to produce more milk. When born, the calves are separated from their mothers at birth. They're being feed milk re-placer that is made in part from cows blood. This is how mad cow disease can be spread. After seeing this film, i think people should really take into consideration the way the milk is produced because of animal cruelty, antibiotic overuse, and artificial hormones.

In the short film " The Meatrix II 1/2" they are explaining How poor the conditions in the meat factory can be especially working in the factory. A meat factory can process up to five thousand cows in a single day. Meat packing is one of the most dangerous jobs in the nation, due to the speed of production it can cause the workers to get injured. The reason for the speed is because of major profits they make for faster deliveries. In the slaughter house due fast production, can cause manure to get everywhere including the meat because of leaking intestines, which causes e-coli. I never realized how dangerouse these conditions can because of dangerous working conditions and manure in the meat.


The tour of the farm shows and explains the conditions and harm that factory farming can do.

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