Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog 10

           In where the whale be at?: The place of race & racism in the discussion of environmentalism, Terry J.cole questions so why should people of color be concerned about the environment? He begins to explain that people of color have a historic bond with the environment.People of color dont have the opportunity to access healthy food. African Americans and even latino Americans live in toxic waste areas that can cause severe health issues, and the lack good medical attention doesn't help their situation. . More white people are living in more spatiouse areas that contain more park space than people of color. I never realized that our communities where so much more down greated than white people becasue i read this essay it opens up my eyes to see less healthy food products, poor meddical attention, lack or space and good environment around us.


1 comment:

Doctor X said...

Little by little we are walking out of the cave... :-)