Friday, November 5, 2010

Blog 12:

Reading Michael Pollan's advice on how to eat healthier really gives me the opportunity to think twice about what i put into my mouth. Many of the products that pollan had mentioned I’ve have tried or eat, never thought about eatting something that wasn't so processed. For instance like cereals, protein water, and go-gurts, go-gurts are something that are always around my nephew makes me think twice about buying it for him. If our generation is taught to eat nothing but processed food what can we teach our children and our children’s children when we grow older, being more aware of the problem now and help us change our life style of eating.
      When walking into a super market we usually already  know what we are going to buy, which I'm sure are the wrong things to eat. The author Michael pollan suggested we walk around the perimeter of the super market for the less processed foods “Most supermarkets are laid out the same way: processed foods in the center, fresh food on the walls.” that is a fantastic suggestion you never really think about how a super market is set up. The only difficult part about being able to shop in super market is actually taking your time to read what is on the labels and knowing if it’s bad for you or not, I live such a fast paced life it’s hard to take your time to read labels.  

1 comment:

Doctor X said...

Blog Series Evaluation 4: A very good set of blog entries--I especially liked your work on CATW 4; keep up this good work. :-)