Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog 10

           In where the whale be at?: The place of race & racism in the discussion of environmentalism, Terry J.cole questions so why should people of color be concerned about the environment? He begins to explain that people of color have a historic bond with the environment.People of color dont have the opportunity to access healthy food. African Americans and even latino Americans live in toxic waste areas that can cause severe health issues, and the lack good medical attention doesn't help their situation. . More white people are living in more spatiouse areas that contain more park space than people of color. I never realized that our communities where so much more down greated than white people becasue i read this essay it opens up my eyes to see less healthy food products, poor meddical attention, lack or space and good environment around us.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Summary of The Meatrix

In the Short film "what is the Meatrix", they explain how family farms are disappearing rapidly because of  factory farming and how horrific the environment of factory farming really is. Family farms were created to maximize profits by agriculture corporations but what they didn't realize is that it can cause great danger to humans and animals. Animals in the farm are packed closely together, and live in horrific and dangerous environments. The conditions these animals live in can cause them to fight and spread deceases within one another. The corporation determined that they would fix the problem with animal mutilation. Because of poor conditions in these farms the deceases these animals contract can get passed to humans. I never realized that the story we tell ourselves about where meat comes from is not much of what really is happening because of Animal cruelty, antibiotic resistant germs, massive pollution, and destroyed communities.

In the short film "the Meatrix: Revolting" they are explaining that the illusion that we have of the dairy farms is nothing like it is now also known as dairy factories not farms. Cows are placed in confined spaces that only allow them to be moved to a milking stations and they also live in fesses infested areas. RGBH is an artificial hormone that provides growth that is being injected into the cows to produce more milk. When born, the calves are separated from their mothers at birth. They're being feed milk re-placer that is made in part from cows blood. This is how mad cow disease can be spread. After seeing this film, i think people should really take into consideration the way the milk is produced because of animal cruelty, antibiotic overuse, and artificial hormones.

In the short film " The Meatrix II 1/2" they are explaining How poor the conditions in the meat factory can be especially working in the factory. A meat factory can process up to five thousand cows in a single day. Meat packing is one of the most dangerous jobs in the nation, due to the speed of production it can cause the workers to get injured. The reason for the speed is because of major profits they make for faster deliveries. In the slaughter house due fast production, can cause manure to get everywhere including the meat because of leaking intestines, which causes e-coli. I never realized how dangerouse these conditions can because of dangerous working conditions and manure in the meat.


The tour of the farm shows and explains the conditions and harm that factory farming can do.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Raissa: Blog Entry 2.3 Part I

I like raissa's post it's funny how lazy our world has become that you can't even walk with your own child. Now you have mobile scooters to help you walk.

Raissa: Blog Entry 2.3 Part I: " Lazy much? A mother using a Segway  Some people might say that walking is n..."

Chris: Redoing a Coppertop's Life Artifacts, Typing in CA...

I liked chris post because artificial food is seen everyday
Chris: Redoing a Coppertop's Life Artifacts, Typing in CA...: " Add caption MSG stands for Monosodium glutamate which a flavor enhancer usually added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups a..."

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


 In the article the cyborg advantage in wired magazine, Clive Thompson explains that there will never be a clear answer on when humans will be seeking machine intelligence into their personal lives because everyone is different. "It's a personal quest". Grandmasters of chess relied on many years of experience especially strategy and intuition to get that perfect move. Until kasparov created an online advanced chess that changed the game, by creating our world with machines. These days we debate how modern our world is becoming because of the things like virtual chess, online thinking and socializing.
 Virtual chess became an introduction to many other online games. Chess is an example to show that people are thrilled by personal technology. At one point in time chess was played with only intelligence and strategy. Only technology has given the opportunity to have an entrant, a virtual partner. As quoted “The ones who have optimized their process- they know how and when to rely on machine intelligence.
  Intelligence have gone into another level, you can either use it or abuse it. Online thinking has evolved into Google look up’s,, Bing, etc... We can use these sites to gather information about just about anything we want to know. The use of these websites is to gain information. Many individuals abuse their own mind by cheating, instead of absorbing the information we copy and paste the information to the document.” We’re sure to depend increasingly on digital assistance for thinking and socializing, and each new technology will extend our reach while threatening to swallow even more of our attention”.  Socializing became a cyborg activity that happens day in day out. Facebook is a major influence on people ages 13-38 at least, it’s harder to call someone and talk about your day than just going online and creating a whole virtual conversation. As said in the article “…we rely on facebook or twitter to tell us about people we’re interested in…” It’s called the social network. I personally us it, but when I don’t I feel awkward. It’s strange how we depend on virtual relationships to keep things interesting.


Steroids come in tablet or liquid form, and they are illegal in the United States. Many people who use steroids buy them from overseas sources with no guarantees of quality or purity. In some cases, teens are shooting steroids into their bodies, not knowing that the product is intended for veterinary use or is adulterated. Anabolic steroids are compounds which are closely related to the male hormone testosterone. This kind of steroid builds muscle mass. Androgenic steroids increase the male characteristics in users. I choose this because men and women are artifically creating muscles .

Artifact 4

Student loans

A student loan is designed to help students pay for college tuition, books, and living expenses. It differs from other types of loans in that the interest rate is substantially lower and the repayment schedule is deferred while the student is still in school. Most students dont know how bad the dept can get after school if they dont pay it off right away. Interest rates start rising and your dept get higher. I choose this artifact because it shows that attending school for a high education can come with a price.

Friday, October 15, 2010

In medicine, a prosthesis, prosthetic, or prosthetic limb is an artificial device extension that replaces a missing body part. It is part of the field of biomechatronics, the science of using mechanical devices with human muscle, skeleton, and nervous systems to assist or enhance motor control lost by trauma, disease, or defect. Prostheses are typically used to replace parts lost by injury (traumatic) or missing from birth (congenital) or to supplement defective body parts.  I choose this artificial leg because it shows how much more we can regain our lives over someone Else's invention. Prosthetic legs have helped a lot of people who are burdened of having just one leg for the rest of their lives.  These have been designed according to our understanding on the human anatomy and leg movement.

A pacemaker (or artificial pacemaker, so as not to be confused with the heart's natural pacemaker) is a medical device which uses electrical impulses, delivered by electrodes contacting the heart muscles, to regulate the beating of the heart. The primary purpose of a pacemaker is to maintain an adequate heart rate, either because the heart's native pacemaker is not fast enough, or there is a block in the heart's electrical conduction system. Modern pacemakers are externally programmable and allow the cardiologist to select the optimum pacing modes for individual patients. Some combine a pacemaker and defibrillator in a single implantable device. Others have multiple electrodes stimulating differing positions within the heart to improve synchronisation of the lower chambers of the heart. I choose a pacemaker because it artificially helps your heart pump and i have personally seen it in action. My father had a pace maker and he was alive longer than he was suppose to be. I'm thankful for the creation of pacemaker for giving me the chance to spend a little more time with him.  

In Vitro Fertilization

 in vitro fertilization , technique for conception of a human embryo outside the mother's body. Several ova , or eggs, are removed from the mother's body and placed in special laboratory culture dishes (Petri dishes); sperm from the father are then added, or in many cases a sperm is injected directly into an ovum, a process known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection. If fertilization is successful, a fertilized ovum (or several fertilized ova), after undergoing several cell divisions, is either transferred to the mother's or a surrogate mother's body for normal development in the uterus, or frozen for later implantation. Eggs also can be frozen and fertilized later. In vitro maturation is when the ova are extracted and then matured in a laboratory (instead of in the mother's body) before they are fertilized. I choose this picture to show that children are created other than in an old fashioned way by intimacy. The purpose to in vitro fertilization is to artificially create a child when a women is unable to produce a child on her own.

Friday, October 8, 2010

I Am A Cyborg

Considering all the definitions I have seen based on Cyborg I think this one is the most accurate one; A Cyborg is a human being whose body has been taken over in whole or in part by electromechanical devices; "a cyborg is a cybernetic organism". In our new modern world we are all cyborgs from the time we wake up through the time we go to sleep, we all use some sort of technology to make our live easier to function.  I consider myself a cyborg because I’m addicted to technology, using everyday appliances, watching TV with all the introductions to new electronics and devices,as well as thinking and socializing on the web.

      We all use everyday electronics from coffee makers to escalators

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Brainstorming about Technology"

Step 1:

1.   Tool-
What do you think of when you hear the term?
when i think of tool i think of an important object or term that you can use,

What does a dictionary say it means? the actual meaning is...
1. an implement, esp. one held in the hand, as a hammer, saw, or file, for performing or facilitating mechanical operations.
2. any instrument of manual operation.

What other words does a thesaurus connect this word?
apparatus, appliance, contraption, contrivance, device, engine, gadget, gizmo, implement, job, machine, means, mechanism, utensil, weapon, whatchamacallit

2.   Technology-
What do you think of when you hear the term?
modern appliences such as cell phones, computers, and cameras

What does a dictionary say it means? the actual meaning is...
1. the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
What other words does a thesaurus connect this word?
Boolean, IBM, alphanumeric, coin, conversational, corrupted, dead, dedicated, dial, drag, duplex, front, hard, hierarchical, machine, multiuser, octal, off, on, plug, relational, stand, technetronic, toll, user

3.   Cyborg-
What do you think of when you hear the term?
A person addicted to technology.
What does a dictionary say it means? the actual meaning is...
a person whose physiological functioning is aided by or dependent upon a mechanical or electronic device.
What other words does a thesaurus connect this word?
android, clone, cyborg , drone

* What do the words have to do with one another?
They are all based on new lifes products!

Step 2:
What technologies define your daily life?
cell phone
credit cards
metro cards

-I use my electronics on a daily basis for keeping communication with others people. In all honesty would feel very lost without technology.
Step 3:......

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Place in the Cave part 2

Summary of Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”
            In Plato's " Allegory of the Cave", Socrates explains to Glaucon that humans are unenlightened and that those that want to be enlightened have a hard, long road ahead of them.  As quoted in the passage "nature is enlightened or unenlightened". What happens when a prisoner is released into a world that is unknown to them?.  Facing  the truth becomes an  uncomfortable and frightening process. Many individuals can run back to their old routine and others can feed off of being in a prison-house and prefer to be enlightened.  Those ex-prisoners enlightened by the truth are overwhelmed with excitement with all the new visions they see. It can become a difficult situation to get a grasp, when wisdom is knowing what you don't know. Provoked to share these new understanding on life, the prisoner becomes aware its hard to translate what they can not see on their own. Those that are not enlightened seem oblivious to what is being said and might refer to you as extraordinary but dangerous.

My Place in the Cave
            Socrates story reminded me that I am almost out of the cave because i still have to consider what classes to take to finish my major and envision where i am going after school is done. I am reminded of being in a "cave" chained to what i only know; people who do not want to learn new things remind me of the prisoners in the passage who knew nothing more than images reflected by fire, these chains represent complement and unwillingness to learn.  I started a new experience and can felicitate myself on this change. I am now looking at a new day with bright light, standing in this new light reminds me of just seeing the sun for the first time, this glisten blinds me. By not following through with my education I was chained by ignorance, I lived in a “Cave” as if I was facing in only one direction and couldn't move. I’ve personally made the effort to enter school with a brighter thought in my mind and convinced myself after so many false attempts, that this is it, I am ready for this new world. I am willing to prove myself and to step forward into a new light so I can teach others what I have learned and what my experiences will be over the period of my success. After all, when I remember my old habitation I can't see myself going back into the "cave" I once came out of. Now that i have been released from my shackles it is time to explore and make correct choices. I have choose to finish school with a fashion merchandising degree, it's the process of knowing what classes i have to take to get there. I have started off with a Liberal Arts major in order to bring up my grades and take some classes that can be accepted to F.I.T the school I am actually interested in to attend.  

       Some people choose to remain as prisoners of their own world by ignoring those who want to en-light them with knowledge and choose to remain this way and ignore the opportunities to better themselves. These people are symbolized in the passage by the released prisoner  who had the chance to see light and went back to share his new knowledge with his pals but they could not understand him because they ignored reality. Socrates said “My opinion is that in the world of knowledge the idea of good appears last of all, and is seen only with an effort". How would we know what this world has to offer if we don’t  give ourselves the chance to learn new things?  I was once told “Knowledge is knowing what you don’t know” I want to experience what the "cave" cannot offer. I plan on exploring an entire new world after i am done with school, figuring out what i want to do with the major i am going to accomplish. I have a few ideas along the line of what type of job i would like but my ideas can change with time. I am willing to be open-minded and explore many opportunities when i start attending F.I.T .

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The similarities and differences between Truman’s life in Seahaven and reality TV shows

        Reality TV has become an open humiliation for those selling their fame.  The persona created for these characters are based on production of reality TV shows and made only to entertain the millions of people watching. Truman lived his whole life in a studio "Seahaven" without knowing he was even part of a national series. Reality TV is nothing more than a multi-billion dollar industry, and is willing to involve who ever will or will not join to enter production.
      Comparing the similarities to reality TV and "The Truman Show" doesn't involve too much thinking from what we normally see. Truman was a child star just like so many other children in the industry that didn't have the opportunity to make a decision on their own. For instance Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen were child stars since they were babies on the sitcom called "Full house" or even Raven Symone was a child star in the "Cosby show", the list can go on, not much of an option can be made when you can't even talk. Giving them a life within a studio only allows them to know what they see. These child stars live in ignorance and don't know what it feels to be a part of a normal society. Truman lived in what he thought was a normal world and then found out it was nothing more than just a lie.
      Reality TV now is more of selling your personality for fame, giving yourself up for the whole world to see you react or act like fools. Such as shows like "Teen mom”, "Jersey Shore", and "Survivor" just to name a few, all involve conflicting personalities and they're real life as they know it only difference is that they are nationwide. The TV directors always make this mix of different people, just to make the show interesting. Just like the director on "The Truman show" he created scenes for Truman to live a traumatic life so he wouldn't try to leave the studio. Truman lived everyday under a camera and one day realized he had the opportunity to leave. These people on reality TV shows are given the opportunity to join under their own will, unlike Truman and many other child stars that don’t. The difference is Truman did not choose to be in the show he was adopted specifically to be on the show, on this show about his life. These reality TV stars nowadays have all chosen to be a part of an entertainment for millions of people to watch. We all should be given the opportunity to be who we want to be not what our parents/ adopted parents or society wants us to become.