Thursday, September 23, 2010

" My Place in the cave"

       In Plato's " Allegory of the Cave", Socrates explains how we live in a world of reflected ignorance. As said in the passage "nature is enlightened or unenlightened". When we decide to face the truth the process becomes uncomfortable and frightening, many people run back to their old routine. Once you have understood the truth, sharing your new understanding becomes your first instinct. Those that don't know your new knowledge seem inconprehensive and might refer to you as dangerous.
         Living in ignorance reminds me of being in a "cave" chained to what you only know; people who do not want to learn new things remind me of the prisoners in the passage who knew nothing more than images reflected by fire, these chains represent complacement and unwillingeness to learn. Personally I am coming out of the “cave”, I started a new experience and can felicitate myself on this change. I am now looking at a new day with bright light, standing in this new light reminds me of just seeing the sun for the first time, this glisten blinds me. By not following through with my education I was chained by ignorance, I lived in a “Cave” as if I was facing in only one direction and couldn't move. I’ve personally made the effort to enter school with a brighter thought in my mind and convinced myself after so many false attempts, that this is it, I am ready for this new world. I am willing to prove myself and to step forward into a new light so I can teach others what I have learned and what my experiences will be over the period of my success. After all, when I remember my old habitation I can't see myself going back into the "cave" I once came out of. 

          Some people choose to remain as prisoners of their own world by ignoring those who want to enlight them with knowledge and choose to remain this way and ignore the oportunities to better themselves. These people are symbolized in the passage by the released prisoner  who had the chance to see light and went back to share his new knowledge with his pals but they could not understand him because they ignored reality. Socrates said “My opinion is that in the world of knowledge the idea of good appears last of all, and is seen only with an effort". How would we know what this world has to offer if we don’t  give ourselves the chance to learn new things?  I was once told “Knowledge is knowing what you don’t know” I want to experience what the "cave" cannot offer.

Things I Need to Remember When I Write Summaries.

~ Read the passage through carefully understanding what the autor is trying to say.
~ Mark key terms and unfamiliar words to get a better comprehension of the passage.
~ Combine elements of each idea and find how it links together.
~ Find the main idea of the passage and put it into your own words
~ Include the autors name when summarizing.

*Summarizing a Paragraph*

Paragraph 1:
 When she suggests a neuratic individual may have had some special vulnerability as an infant, Margaret seems to be implying that it may alter the childs relationship to the world.

Paragraph 3:
According to Glenn C. Altsculer, every instructor gives personality in class but liveliness to lectures give students the opportunity to enjoy their studies.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What i need to do to pass the CTAW?

~ Read the directions.
~ Read the passage and be able to understand it.
~ Identify the authors main ideas and important supporting ideas.
~ Refer to those ideas with either quotes or paraphrasing.
~ Make sure to manage time
~ Spend about 10 min. to create my outline for my essay.
~ Check for errors grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

**Most important be confident with what your handing in!**

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pros and Cons to Advertisement

      According to the author advertisements are toxic, like pollution. I have a different opinion. There are always pros and cons about advertisement. Being able to know what a business does for you or even to attend it's premises requires a company to advertise a business. In the passage it stated " Everyday an estimate 12 billion displays ads, 3 million radio commercials, and more than 200,000 TV commercials are dumped into north America's collective unconscious". Without these ads, radio commercials, and TV commercials how do you know where to go? or What they have to offer?. For instance I need a good deal on a car, How would i look for one with out advertisement?. If the author meant that we might have the opportunity to know our neighborhood well enough to just explore and find one instead of depending on advertisement all the time, then i would say he's wrong. Cities such as New York has so many businesses that its easy to fall into a trap.Advertisements help us move around better and help us decide on a better opportunity with a great company.
      However advertisement has it's definite cons. Displaying many different businesses causes false advertisements, scams, and unaware regret. As said " Anywhere your eyes can possibly come to rest is now a place that in corporate Americas view, can and ought to be filled with a logo or product message." A tighter system for advertisement should be made, if everywhere i lay my eyes i run into an ad, what makes me believe it's a safe product. Large companies such as Nissan, Honda, Toyota, etc. are known, which makes it a lot easier to believe in their Advertisements. When a person becomes unaware to a legitimate advertisement that's when it can become extremely unsafe to either the seller or the buyer. In the same way I'm looking for a great deal on a car, a cheap price can lead me to a scam. For instance I see a great deal on a car online went to purchase it from the dealer but instead got robbed for my money and ended up in a completely unfortunate situation. That's the reality everywhere you turn there might be un-honest person. We all need advertisements at the end of the day, it's just knowing how to choose the right one.